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GIFTS2U Bubble Making Wand and Solution Sets, 12 Pack Bubble Fans Party Favors for Kids


Easy to Use: The bubble wand and solution set is designed for easy and convenient use. 

Long-Lasting Bubbles: The high-quality bubble solution in the set ensures long-lasting bubbles that float in the air, providing endless fun for kids and adults alike.

Diverse Wand Designs: The set includes five different bubble wand designs, offering a variety of shapes and sizes for creating different types of bubbles. 

Premium Material: Parents can have peace of mind knowing that their kids can enjoy bubble play.

Great for Outdoor Play: The bubble wand and solution set is perfect for outdoor activities. 

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Add.:No.6 Line 2 Yongxiang Road Bantian Street Longgang District, Shenzhen, China

TEL&FAX: 13058189105

Email: hongquan_co_ltd@outlook.com 

Facebook: rulongtang@gmail.com

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